Boldly Unbounded in Growth: Feel the Shift in Your Body

Hello, you boldly unbounded soul ✨

Today at a glance:

  • 💭 Mindful Meanderings — embracing discomfort in work
  • 🧭 Inquiry of the Week — how does your body feel when facing challenges?
  • ✨ Bold Experiment — body scan for mindset awareness
  • 🌈 Unbounded Learning — the neuroscience of growth mindset
  • 💗 Vagus Vibescultivate calm with the free vagus vibes workshop series

As I coached founder, she shared a powerful insight:

Coming up with something new feels really uncomfortable and instantly turns on resistance.

Has this happened to you?

This discomfort—that tightness in your chest or flutter in your stomach when innovation calls—it's not just in your head. It's in your body.

And guess what?

It's a sign of growth.

In the fast-paced startup scene, we forget our bodies are our greatest allies to cultivate a growth mindset.

Today, let's explore how to integrate this powerful shift.


How does your body respond when faced with a challenging task or feedback?

Where do you feel it? What sensations arise? How might these physical cues inform your mindset?

bold experiment of the week
— the river flow reset

Try this 2-minute body scan for mindset awareness:

  1. 🧘🏽‍♀️ Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  2. 😰 Think of a recent challenge at work.
  3. 👩🏽 Scan your body from head to toe🦶🏾
  4. 🔍 Notice any tension, warmth, or other sensations.
  5. 🏷️ Label these as "growth" (excitement, curiosity) or "fixed" (fear, resistance).
  6. 🌬️ Take a deep breath, imagining expansion in areas of "fixed" sensations.

Pro tip: Practice this daily, especially before big meetings or when tackling new projects.

Is your body-mind connection limiting you?

In 5 minutes, you'll discover:

  • How resilient & balanced your body-mind connection really is
  • Areas you could improve to feel more inner calm, self-trust, & energy.
  • Personalized, evidence-based practices to help you navigate chronic stress, self-doubt, & work-life challenges

unbounded learning of the week
— why this works

Neuroscience backs this up, but with a twist!

While Dr. Carol Dweck's research shows that a growth mindset activates different neural pathways, recent discoveries reveal an even more powerful truth: your body is the primary driver of your mindset.

Did you know that 80% of signals in your vagus nerve—an information superhighway in your nervous system—travel from your body to your brain, not the other way around?

This means your gut feelings and physical sensations are constantly informing your brain about your internal state and environmental safety.

By tuning into these bodily signals, you can catch yourself in a fixed mindset and consciously shift.

My hypothesis? By starting with the body, you can impact the mind up to 4x more effectively than traditional cognitive approaches alone.

So the next time that discomfort arises, gently remind yourself it's not just in your head—it's your body signaling an opportunity for growth.

Slow down for a couple of minutes and connect with the body.

Until next week,

Whenever you're ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

  • Private Coaching: Apply for private coaching to reconnect with your body and find true success. You'll learn how to reclaim your calm, rewire your mind, and design a life you LOVE through body-mind mastery.
  • People & Culture Advising: Partner to get 10 years of expertise scaling remote startups, creating high-performing, high-compassion cultures, world-class employee experiences, and scalable people operations. Need help with leadership development or wellbeing? Let's chat.

Make calm your cornerstone.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more practices, tips, and resources. Know someone who might find it valuable? Share with a friend or coworker.

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