Boldly Unbounded in the Neuroscience of Self-Trust

Hello, you boldly unbounded soul ✨

Today at a glance:

  • Mindful Meanderings — trusting intuition in coaching
  • Inquiry of the Week — exploring your self-trust
  • Unbounded Learning — the neuroscience of intuition and decision-making
  • My LOVE List — the science of decision-making
  • Bold Experiment — body scan for intuitive decision-making

Lately, I've been reflecting on the power of self-trust in my coaching practice.

A lot of clients come to me looking for deeper self-trust—or confidence—which begs the question, "Where does self-trsut really come from? How does it show up for me as a coach?"

In my most impactful sessions, I've noticed a pattern: when I trust my intuition and ask the unexpected question that bubbles up, it often leads to profound self-discovery for my clients.

By tuning into my inner wisdom, I create a space for others to access theirs.

And the courage to ask that unexpected question came from giving myself the ability to try (and fail). The more action I've taken—and learned from—the stronger my self-trust has become.

I've seen the same reflected in my clients. As they face fears and take action, they progressively cultivate unshakeable self-trust.

It's a kind of calibration. Each action enables learning for the future and creates 'proof' that "yes, you are capable of doing that thing."

I learned unshakeable self-trust by facing my fears:

  • taking on leadership roles bigger than my skillset
  • moving abroad with no job in hand
  • learning how to rock climb to overcome my fear of heights
  • scuba diving to face my fear of sharks—and diving with them!
  • starting Boldly Unbounded to face the fear of failure

These experiences got me thinking about how often we might be overlooking our intuition in our daily lives and decision-making processes.

The "facing my fears experiences" were born from intuition, not logic, although logic did play a role in actioning them.

So, how might your live and career change if you learned to trust that inner voice more often?

Vagus vibes series—free upcoming workshops alert!

Cultivating Calm for Next-gen Leaders

​Leadership isn't a title. It's a lifestyle—a way of being. ​And somewhere along the way, we lost touch with it. ​In this 60-minute, workshop, you'll discover how cultivating calm can be your secret to success in all parts of your life (and elevate your career).

September 19th, 2024 @ 6pm CET

From Self-doubt to Unshakeable Self-trust

​Are you a woman who's mastered professional success but still struggles with self-doubt? Join us for an evidence-based 60-minute workshop, you'll learn how to move from stress to self-trust—starting with your nervous system 🫁🫀🦠

October 15th, 2024 @ 6pm CET


When was the last time you made a decision based purely on your intuition?

How did it feel in your body before, during, and after making that choice? What can this tell you about your relationship with self-trust? How can you invite more intuition into your decision-making process?

Unbounded learning of the week
— exploring self-trust

The intersection of intuition and decision-making is a fascinating area of neuroscience!

Research shows that intuition isn't just a mysterious "gut feeling," but a rapid processing of information by your brain and body 🤯

By understanding the brain-body connection, you can cultivate unshakeable self-trust and make better decisions.

Want to bring it up a notch? The best decision-makers blend intuition and logic.

Spotlight from my LOVE list

The science of decision-making: why smart people do dumb things by NessLabs is a great article on how decision-making works.

Bold experiment of the week
— calm compass practice

Let's practice tuning into our body's wisdom with this simple exercise:

  1. Choose a decision you're currently facing.
  2. Sit comfortably and take three deep breaths. I recommend the psychological sigh to reset your nervous system.
  3. Visualize one potential choice and notice how your body responds. Do you feel tension or ease? Heaviness or lightness?
  4. Where do you notice it? Head, heart, or gut?
  5. Repeat with the other option(s).
  6. Reflect on what your body's responses might be telling you about the decision.

This exercise isn't about overriding logical thinking. It's about expanding—integrating bodily wisdom into your decision-making process.


P.S. If this newsletter resonates with you, feel free to share it with others who might find it valuable 💗 Or hit reply and let me know what you loved.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  • The Solo Deep Dive: A 2-hour session to reconnect with yourself and gain insight into your nervous system's well-being. Get a clear plan to move forward with 5 days of follow-up support.
  • Private Coaching: Apply for private coaching to reconnect with your body and find true success. You'll learn how to reclaim your calm, rewire your mind, and design a life you LOVE through body-mind mastery.
  • People & Culture Advising: Partner to get 10 years of expertise scaling remote startups, creating high-performing, high-compassion cultures, world-class employee experiences, and scalable people operations.

Make calm your cornerstone.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more practices, tips, and resources. Know someone who might find it valuable? Share with a friend or coworker.

Make calm your cornerstone.

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