Boldly Unbounded in Playful Productivity: Stress-Proof Your Workday

Boldly Unbounded in Playful Productivity

Hello, you boldly unbounded soul ✨

Today at a glance:

  • Mindful Meanderings — the power of play to reclaim calm
  • Inquiry of the Week — how does your body signal stress?
  • Unbounded Learning — the science movement and stress
  • BMM is LIVE! — uncover your personal Body-mind Mastery score
  • Bold Experiment — dancing through deadlines
  • My LOVE List — cork roller set

Last week, I led my first play-first workshop for nervous system regulation—leaning into imagination, movement, and breathwork. It was pretty rad!

The participants loved it, finding play a refreshing approach to reclaiming calm

And it got me thinking...

In our work world, how often do we neglect the power of play, movement, and breathing? I'd venture to say most of the time.

Instead, we sit, swirling in the mind, depleting our energy one Slack message at a time... you know what I mean.

So, today's dedicated to playful movement. Ready?

Oh, and if you want to lean into play, check out next month's workshop—Vagus Vibes: From Self-doubt to Self-trust with Body-mind Mastery.


How does your body signal stress?

What happens when you listen to these signals instead of pushing through them? What's one thing you could do to listen better to your body's signal?

Unbounded learning of the week
— the science movement and stress

Did you know that 41% of employees globally report experiencing stress "a lot of the day yesterday"? That's a lot of stress, yikes!

But here's the good news: mindful movement can be a powerful antidote.

Movement can shift our nervous system from a state of stress to one of safety and social engagement. When we move, especially in rhythmic patterns like dancing or yoga, we activate the vagus nerve, our body's natural stress regulator.

And Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's research shows that body-based approaches are vital for managing stress and improving overall wellbeing. Movement helps release tension stored in the body, allowing us to literally shake off stress. So, give yourself a little shake! 💃🏽

The Body-mind Mastery Assessment is live!

I AM SO EXCITED! After weeks of behind-the-scenes effort, we're live! 🙌

Take this free self-assessment to uncover your personal Body-mind Mastery (BMM) score. You'll gain insights into your current level and receive personalized practices to progress in body-mind mastery.

Bold experiment of the week
— dancing through deadlines

Ready to move your way to stress-proof productivity? Here's one activity you can add to your body-mind mastery toolkit—dancing through deadlines.

  • Set a timer for 2 minutes.
  • Put on your favorite song—if you're feeling overwhelmed maybe something more chill, if you're feeling depleted, maybe something a bit more upbeat.
  • Stand up and dance! Let your body move freely. Try to move out of your head and into the body—inviting the body to move however it needs without judgment.
  • Notice how you feel before and after.
  • Bonus: Make this a daily ritual when you've got looming deadlines to reset your nervous system and boost your vagal tone.

Remember, progress comes from small, consistent steps. And yes, dancing counts as a step, two, three, cha cha cha! 😂

Until next week,

P.S. How did your 2-minute dancing through deadlines party feel? Feel free to DM me your experience or just hit reply here 🪩

Spotlight from my LOVE list

is the cork roller set. I keep it by my desk—and use it—to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and do some fascia work. It's great for a 5-minute break or massage your feet while you work!

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  • Private Coaching: Apply for private coaching to reconnect with your body and find true success. You'll learn how to reclaim your calm, rewire your mind, and design a life you LOVE through body-mind mastery.
  • People & Culture Advising: Partner to get 10 years of expertise scaling remote startups, creating high-performing, high-compassion cultures, world-class employee experiences, and scalable people operations.

Make calm your cornerstone.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more practices, tips, and resources. Know someone who might find it valuable? Share with a friend or coworker.

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