Boldly Unbounded in Intuition: When Your Body Knows Best

Hello, you boldly unbounded soul ✨

Today at a glance:

  • Mindful Meanderings — health tech meets body wisdom
  • Inquiry of the Week — trusting your intuition in a business decision
  • Unbounded Learning — the science of female intuition
  • Another Sneak Peek — something coming your way next week
  • Bold Experiment — intuition investigation
  • My LOVE ListThe Energetic Heart by +HeartMath Institute

This week, I've been mulling over our relationship with health tech.

From Apple Watches to Oura rings—which I both have and love—we're surrounded by data about our bodies.

But here's the thing I've been wondering... are we actually listening to our bodies or just the apps' latest insights?

I've noticed a trend when I talk to my clients and friends about their health tech.

We often stress when our devices tell us we've had a bad night's sleep even if we feel refreshed, or we need to move more even though our body is begging for rest.

Here's where I stand: connect with your body first, then use the data for additional insights.

A daily practice I have as soon as I wake up is to notice how I'm feeling—body sensations, energy level, and mood. One minute max. Then, I go into the app to see what it says. A lot of the time they're aligned, but sometimes they're not.

This simple practice has helped me deepen my interoceptive sensitivity skills, self-trust, and intuition. I listen to my body first. Then, the data.

As I've been doing more and more body-mind mastery work with my clients, I've seen the same from them too. I had a client last week share how developing her ability to connect with and listen to her body, emotions, and intuition has played a huge role in her achieving her accomplishments 💗

Think about that for a minute. The power of being able to access ourselves. To unlock our intuition.

Vagus vibes workshop this week!

Cultivating Calm for Next-gen Leaders

Thursday, September 19th at 6-7pm CET

I'm so excited! I've decided to reinvent how I run workshops—turning them into a play. Not only because play is fun, but play plays (yes, pun intended) a MASSIVE role in regulating our nervous system.

Here's a sneak peek of the first-ever play workshop for body-mind mastery.


When was the last time you trusted your intuition in a business decision?

How did it turn out? What did you learn? How can you use it moving forward? What ways can you level up your decisions by pairing intuition with data?

Unbounded learning of the week
— the science of female intuition

Did you know that during the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle, your intuitive abilities might be heightened? Research shows improved imagination, perception, memory, and social abilities during this time.

There's also some fascinating research around intuition and decision-making. Dr. Antonio Damasio's work on the somatic marker hypothesis suggests that bodily sensations play a crucial role in decision-making. It's still a growing field of research, but more and more is showing how interoception, emotions, and autonomic responses impact decision-making.

Another sneak peek...

Next week, you'll get access to the free body-mind mastery self-assessment to offer you tailored recommendations to reclaim calm, cultivate unshakeable self-trust, and design a life you love.

Bold experiment of the week
— intuition investigation

My challenge for you is to try this 5-minute exercise before your next big decision:

  1. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
  2. Visualize each option for your decision.
  3. Pay attention to your body's response—both physical and emotional. Where do the emotions surface? You can use the chart below to help you identify what emotions your physical sensations point to.
  4. Journal your observations.
  5. Compare your bodily sensations with your logical thoughts

Remember, progress should feel fun! Make this a playful exploration of your inner wisdom.

By tuning into your body's signals, you're not just relieving stress—you're inviting deeper insights and creativity into your life.

Until next week,

P.S. Find this valuable? Let me know what you loved and reshare with a friend.

Spotlight from my LOVE list

is The Energetic Heart by +HeartMath Institute. This institute has been scientifically studying how to create physiological coherence; measuring increased order and harmony in our mind, emotions, and body.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  • The Solo Deep Dive: A 2-hour session to reconnect with yourself and gain insight into your nervous system's well-being. Get a clear plan to move forward with 5 days of follow-up support.
  • Private Coaching: Apply for private coaching to reconnect with your body and find true success. You'll learn how to reclaim your calm, rewire your mind, and design a life you LOVE through body-mind mastery.
  • People & Culture Advising: Partner to get 10 years of expertise scaling remote startups, creating high-performing, high-compassion cultures, world-class employee experiences, and scalable people operations.

Make calm your cornerstone.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more practices, tips, and resources. Know someone who might find it valuable? Share with a friend or coworker.

Make calm your cornerstone.

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