Boldly Unbounded in a Calm-Centric Living

Hello, you boldly unbounded soul ✨

Today at a glance:

  • 💭 Mindful Meanderings — the paradox of slowing down and big dreams
  • 🧭 Inquiry of the Week — fighting the current vs. flowing effortlessly
  • ✨ Bold Experiment — the river flow reset
  • 🌈 Unbounded Learning — compassion and the nervous system
  • 💗 Vagus Vibes — free workshop—from self-doubt to self-trust—October 15th!

I've been reflecting on a common paradox many of us face—the desire to slow down while pursuing audacious aspirations.

How do I slow down, feel calm, and achieve my big goals? Does this resonate?

A client recently highlighted this conflicting two-way pull. She's about to move into a new leadership role, doubling her team size and responsibilities. While ecstatic, she's grappling with thoughts like...

Do I really want this?

Am I inviting more stress into my life?

It's a journey many of us know all too well—like trying to navigate a winding river.

On one bank, there's the rushing current of success and ambition; on the other, the still pools of calm and slow down.

We're constantly paddling between them, riding rapids while craving calm currents 🚣🏽‍♀️ We want to flow through it all with the ease of a seasoned river guide.

But how?

Let's play with a simple practice to help you move through the ebbs and flows.


Where in your life do you feel like you're fighting against the current?

Where are you flowing effortlessly? How might you redirect your energy to create more ease in your journey? Pick 1 small thing you can start or stop today.

bold experiment of the week
— the river flow reset

⏰ Set 3 alarms on your phone (or create 3 calendar events) throughout your workday. My tip: Set them for when you start, before/after lunch, at the end of the workday.

💭 When an alarm goes off, close your eyes and imagine you're sitting by a peaceful river.

🧘🏽‍♀️ Take 5 deep breaths, matching your breath to the flow of the imaginary river. Inhale as the water flows towards you, exhale as it flows away.

🍃 Notice any thoughts or feelings without judgment, letting them float by like leaves on the water.

📓 Do this for 5 days and journal any changes you notice. Pro tip: Write down a couple of bullet points before and after the practice, the stage of your menstrual cycle, and notable sensations and emotions in the body.

Is your body-mind connection limiting you?

In 5 minutes, you'll discover:

  • How resilient & balanced your body-mind connection really is
  • Areas you could improve to feel more inner calm, self-trust, & energy.
  • Personalized, evidence-based practices to help you navigate chronic stress, self-doubt, & work-life challenges

unbounded learning of the week
— why this works

This practice is rooted in mindfulness and self-compassion research. Dr. Kristin Neff's work shows that self-compassion acts like a canoe, keeping us afloat in tumultuous waters.

And by syncing our breath with the river's flow, we tap into our ventral vagal state. We calm our nervous system and reclaim our calm—what I call the turquoise waters of connection.

A closing thought for you—mastering your life's river isn't about avoiding the rapids.

It's about slowing down to tune into them—and your body's rhythms—to practice self-compassion. Slowing down doesn't mean you opt out of ambition.

Think of it as slowing down to speed up.

In micro-moments of slowing down, you flow between ambition and calm. You unlock deeper creativity, higher stress resilience, and clearer decision-making—key elements to achieving those audacious aspirations AND feeling calm.

Until next week,

P.S. Vagus Vibes: From Self-doubt to Self-trust with Body-mind Mastery is coming up tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15th at 6pm CET 🎟️ Grab your free spot here!

Whenever you're ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

  • Private Coaching: Apply for private coaching to reconnect with your body and find true success. You'll learn how to reclaim your calm, rewire your mind, and design a life you LOVE through body-mind mastery.
  • People & Culture Advising: Partner to get 10 years of expertise scaling remote startups, creating high-performing, high-compassion cultures, world-class employee experiences, and scalable people operations. Need help with leadership development or wellbeing? Let's chat.

Make calm your cornerstone.

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